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Words of Deceit, Lugner [Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End] EOC5431036


SKU: EOC5431036 Category:


Release Date: 2024-11-22
Set Name: Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
Card Number: SFN/S108-E037 C
Rarity: Common
Color: Green
Level: 1
Cost: 0
Soul: 1
Traits: Magic,Demon
Power: 3000

[AUTO] When this card attacks, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is an event or an “Adventurer” or “Magic” character, choose 1 of your characters, and that character gets +3000 power until end of turn. (Return the revealed card to its original place)[AUTO] [CLOCK] Alarm If this card is the top card of your clock, and your level is 1 or higher, at the beginning of your climax phase, you may choose 1 of your characters and this card, and exchange them.

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